Today was a very tough day for me, but an eye opener nonetheless. I have neglected my blog, my page, my goals...and most importantly myself. I decided to go back to work about 6-7 months ago. The kitchen in the office was full of junk and sodas, we ate out all the time, and it was SO easy to fall back into old habits that I had worked so hard to change. So easy. And so disappointing. I am disappointed and disgusted with myself. I have put on weight. I have put on 20 of the 50 pounds I worked hard to lose. But what I gained in pounds I lost in employment. Let's just say it was a crappy day. Thankfully I have a good man by my side that supports me in everything I do, and now I can get myself back on track...and spend more time with my beautiful family. But it lit a fire under my butt the size of Texas!!! *** I am enrolled in school, class begins on the 29th! *** I have re-written my weight loss goals and health plan. Even though life is a little undetermined at the momen
Blogging about everything related to my weight loss journey plus life in general, and hoping to inspire even just one person!