Like I mentioned the other day, I am spoiled. Completely and utterly so. I can be smelled for miles around. There are a select few men in my life that can be held accountable for it all. The other day I wrote to tell you about one of the greatest men in my life: my dad . He was the perfect example to my sisters and I, in how we should expect a man to treat us. He has always loved and respected my mother, and taught us to expect nothing less from other men in our lives. He made a point to make sure that we were raised to be independent and head strong women, that could also accept the kindness of men. When I brought Dustin home to meet my father for the first time almost nine years ago, I was more nervous than he was, I think. My dad is a good judge of character, and he usually pegged our boyfriends for whom they were, whether it was good or bad. The couple of guys I brought home prior to Dustin were not well received by dad, and while his opinion didn't make my decision ...
Blogging about everything related to my weight loss journey plus life in general, and hoping to inspire even just one person!