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Showing posts from November, 2013

Who Is My Son?

Every set of parents spends nine months arguing over names. That is a fact.  As a child I had this list of crazy names I would name my children should I ever have one, and needless to say...those were not the names we chose. Instead we went very traditional. Scarlett was named by her father. Scarlett Rose. ..who is a bright red joke. And no, we did not name her for her hair color, that is purely coincidental. She was named before her birth. Daddy just came home with it one day. I wanted an Evelyn. But that is another story for another day. Our son on the other hand...we could not agree on anything. Back story...        We tried for several months to get pregnant before it finally happened. The very day I saw those double lines, a dear friend of my parents, Eva, passed away unexpectedly. She was a beautiful person and the world is a lesser place without her. I knew that God called her home to be a guardian angel for my unborn baby. I fought within myself over that a l

Gone Baby Gone

Well I had my post partum 2 week check up today, and my wonderful OB cleared me of post partum depression. He said I was doing t o o well to be suffering anything more than baby blues. And I agree. I feel better...much better. No more weepy pitiful mommy. I'm baaaccckkk! Well pretty much. I walked well over 2 miles last night while trick or treating with Scarlett and it felt good. My body didn't hurt and no post partum symptoms emerged. The doctor cleared me for exercise and I can't wait to get moving! Even though I am not suffering from depression, there may be a mommy out there that is and if you feel you are or suspect you are...please seek medical help. Do not be ashamed. And if you suspect a mommy of suffering from depression please offer help. A 15 minute break can make a mom's day. My biggest take compassionate. Not only to moms...but to everyone. You never know what someone is going through. And your friendly feature may change their life.