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Showing posts from June, 2013

Obesity: A Disease?

This is a very sensitive and sore subject for a lot of people, and I am going to do my best not to offend anyone . I have very mixed feelings on the matter of the, AMA (American Medical Association), naming Obesity as a disease. While it has been deemed a disease by the AMA that does not make it a legal disease, it will just bring more attention to those affected by obesity, and open a door way to treatments. I myself was obese according to BMI charts a little over a year ago . And as far as treatments go for the "disease", the best cure I found was proper diet and food portions, with a side of exercise. And for many that is also the answer. I understand that for some that is a difficult task, and they use more invasive things like surgery...which is okay too. I have no beef with people that elect to have weight loss surgery. I do not think its the easy way out. To me that seems harder than working out. I hate doctors and hospitals. But to me if I was obese and a doct...

SummerTime 300th Like Giveaway!

Woohoo...I have finally organized this giveaway! I am so about y'all??? So I have a ton of things I love to use during the summer, and I thought, "Why not share some of those things?" It is hot, and when working out hydration, proper nutrition, and sun protection are so important. And  most important STYLE! It gets suuuuuper boring drinking just water. So I went on the hunt for a flavor pack for water. I tried so many different products and finally settled on one,  Crystal Light Liquid . There are so many flavors and you can add a little or add a lot. And it is ZERO calories. Zip. Zilch. I like to add a couple of squeezes shake it up and walk out the door. My favorite is Strawberry Lemonade, so I am sharing one! Not only do we need hydration in the summer, but we need protection. The suns dangerous UVA and UVB does so much damage to our skin that it is ultra important to use sunscreen. Most people never think about their face or lips...just the bi...

A Year In Retrospect

It is so bittersweet that I will be hosting a giveaway tomorrow for my fitness page and it marks the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF MY WEIGHTLOSS !  I have been on the journey, heart and soul, for a year now. Complete dedication. This time last year I was piddling around with my health. I would workout every now and then, eat right, but still eat wrong, and wondering why I had not lost much weight. After a family vacation photo and a rude awakening at the doctor's office...I realized I needed to take care of myself. I needed to take losing weight and getting healthy serious, not only for me but for the beautiful family I had started. Vacation June 2012- 231 pounds I come from a family of health issues and obesity. Every time I go to a doctor and we do the "Family History" part of the workup I swear I check yes on every box. Here is a sample of just some of the diseases I say yes to with my head a little low (most of which are preventable): Diabetes Heart Disease He...

Glamour and Growing Babies

I text-ed myself the title of this blog last night in hopes of remembering what it was supposed to be about...and once again I have forgotten. I am sure it went something like this... There is nothing glamorous about growing a child inside of you. Don't get me wrong, it is amazing . We as women are magnificent creatures. We are capable of so many tremendous things that men can't even begin to wrap their heads around, let alone their bodies. If men understood just how difficult making a baby was ( more difficult than just their donation anyways)  I think life as an expectant mother would be soooooo  much easier! I have created a list of the top 5 not so glamorous sides of having a baby... that all men should have to go through ... 1) Super. Freaking. Sore. Nipples.!!! For some reason the first few weeks of pregnancy are hectic on boobies, or more in particular...nipples. They hurt. They swell. They itch. They hurt. They swell. They itch. You get the point. ...

Prenatal Visits: Fearing the Scale

WEIGHT GAIN...OMMGGGGG!!! It is official...after 20 weeks the scale has finally moved up. And that scares to poo out of me even though I know it is a good sign. Weight gain during pregnancy signals a healthy and growing baby. But after a year of watching the scale go down is so hard  to watch it move up. Before we tried to conceive I decided I wanted to lose 50 pounds. I had already started my healthier lifestyle but losing 50 pounds put me under 180, which was a healthy weight for my height, and a healthy weight for pregnancy. We began to try in September and we were pregnant by February. I reached my weight loss goal of minus 50 in December! As I have shared before my OB only wants me to gain 10-15 pounds so that I can resume losing weight after baby. I am 21 weeks and 3 days and I have gained my very first and official pound!  I know that is not a lot and I should not worry about it...but the scale is going up...after a year of going down. DANGGIT! At my p...

Whole Wheat Brownie

This is the original recipe. Just a simple and sugary brownie recipe...but I took it and tweaked it to be healthier. I hope you all enjoy it as much as my family did. And it was totally TODDLER approved! Easy Wheat Brownies: MommyWeighLess Style Ingredients 1/2 cup canola oil 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/2 cup wheat flour 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate morsels(optional) Directions 1) Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F and grease a 9x9 baking pan. 2) In a medium bowl mix together the oil, sugar, and vanilla. Beat in the eggs one at a time. In a separate bowl mix together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt; gradually mix into the egg mixture until well mixed. Add in chocolate morsels. Spread batter evenly into pan. 3) Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Brownies are done when the top is crispy and you can insert and remove a toothpick cleanly. Nutrition ...