I was approached by the awesome Kendra Thornton about doing a guest post on my blog since this month is Fit Family Lifestyles Month! I am thrilled to be so honored as well as in love with her piece. It is so important to maintain our healthy lifestyle especially when traveling, with all the yucky fast food options that make eating on the go easy, as well as limited physical activity. Hope you enjoy her advice as well as I did!
Tips On Staying Healthy For Families Traveling
Stay fit, stay healthy, and you’ll look and feel amazing! It’s a work in-progress motto, but it’s been something that I’ve been believing in since I became a mother of three very active kids. That’s why I’m always trying to consciously keep myself fit whether I’m on the road or at home. To honor Fit Family Lifestyles month, I put together a few helpful tips and tricks that I live by to stay healthy and energized while traveling and on vacation.
Be Clean and Germ Free!
As a mother with three energetic kids, who love to run around and touch everything, having a hygiene back is a must when my family and I travel. It makes cleaning up much easier when the places we go to don’t provide any soap or water for washing up. The hygiene kit I pack up always includes: face masks (just in case the family and I are at a place with people who are ill), lots of hand sanitizers, and anti-bacterial wipes for wiping down possible germ infected areas – like tables, chairs, door handles, etc. I try and keep the products in my kits travel size, that way I can put some in my purse and leave the hygiene bag at the hotel.
Have A Little Fun Before Resting Your Mind and Body!
While we are traveling I usually try to get in the whole “fruits and veggies”, “clean and germ free”, “please play nice with your siblings”, and “scheduled bedtime” routine. It’s an everyday thing when we are at home, but when we are on vacation I tend to let things slide a little, especially their bedtimes. You’re on vacation! Let the kids stay up a little later so they can see fireworks (if there are any), give them a few more sweets, and let them enjoy themselves. I just make sure at the end of the day that my family and I wind down and get a good night’s rest.
Get That Nutrition In!
When we are traveling or on vacation, my family and I try to avoid fast-food restaurants as much as possible. It’s a good way to keep myself and my family eating healthy. Sit-down restaurants is the places where we try to get our big meals when we’re out. It might be a little bit pricier, but each member of my family can customize their order to our liking and take in lower calories, sodium, and sugars. I want us to have fun, but I also want us to stay healthy.
Ensure Your Family’s Safety!
Before I book the flights or choose the hotel, I always do an extensive research on the places that my family could possibly be staying at. I make sure that each hotel or resort that we stay at is family-friendly to the dot. I have to make sure that they provide a good safe and secure place when my family and I stay. Some of the things I look for are: good concierge service, some sort of security personnel, hospitality. You can get as picky as you want, after all you want to keep your family safe as well as yourself from harm.
A Little Extra Advice!
Anytime my family and I are visiting theme park destinations, I always make sure that we eat a substantial amount of a healthy breakfast. It saves us money because we enter the park full and it helps steer my kids away from eating too much junk food and sweets. Many hotels and resorts, including some of the more famous ones like the Walt Disney World property hotels in Orlando, offer healthy breakfasts that are included with your booked room.
I don’t have to worry about staying active with my family - but I do always try and maintain a healthy mind frame when traveling with them! Let your kids splurge in certain areas, but make it a point to explore...walk, hike, climb, RUN on vacation. I hope these tips can be of benefit to you in the future and get out there and get active in honor of this month!
Go show Kendra some love on Twitter @KendraThornton!

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