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FitBit Zip Review

I have fallen in love all over again (sorry Dustin I am having an affair with a piece of technology).

On Black Friday we ventured out to have lunch with some friends, and putzed around a few stores. We wandered into the Best Buy and amidst the hectic confusion, I found my way to the fitness area. The Aria Scale is what originally caught my eye, and right beneath it was the FitBit Zip and FitBit One. The Zip was $49 and the One was $99. I looked at the difference between the two to determine which would better suit my needs, and what the price difference is.

The difference between the two is the One has a sleep tracker and stair tracker, where the Zip does not. Personally I sleep great and do not need help with that, and I live in Florida. It is flat. The most stairs I climb are the four going into my parents house when we go to visit. Once I realized that was where the price difference was I decided it was not $50 worthy and went with the cheaper, the Zip.

It has been one of the best purchases I have ever made!

The FitBit Zip is a fitness tracker that records the time, your steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burned. It then takes all of this information and sends it to a wireless sync dongle attached to your computer, and uses said information to help you determine how active you are and recommend a calorie intake. I say purchase ever. I am far less active than I thought and had over calculated my intake, which has in turn slowed my weight loss.

Most calculators had my TDEE at 2400-2600 calories a TDEE according to FitBit is around 2000 a day. Big Difference!

In order to use FitBit you need a device, Internet connection, and you have to set up a FitBit account (which is free). There is also a free app for IPhone and Android phones. Some IPhones can sync the device via bluetooth, but android cannot yet..coming soon according to the website. The Zip stores up to 7 days worth of information so that you do not need to sync everyday, even though it is recommended that you do. If you have a MyFitnessPal, MFP and FitBit work together. Which is fantastic because FitBit adjusts my calories and it shows on MFP meaning I do not have to go between the two all day.

The device itself is tiny and you can place it anywhere, without it being seen. I clip it to the inside of my bra. I purchased the magenta one...I love anything pink. It comes in a variety of colors. It is 1.4 inches by 1.1 inches, and comes with a silicone and metal case/clip. It has a LCD screen that you just tap to go from one stat to the next, but it does not have a back light, which sucks at if you are a night owl. It is supposed to be sweat, rain, and splash proof but not water proof. So keep it dry. It is battery powered and does not require charging. The batteries are supposed to have a life span of 6 months or so, and you can view the battery level on the site.

I am so in love with this product. I hear that the One is better but I am a bit of a tight wad and this was more budget friendly. I have zero complaints. I have been looking into the FitBit family for a while, and it has been one of the best decisions I have made yet. I cannot regard this product any more highly than I have. Hope this persuades someone to buy will not regret it (I do not work for the company fyi).


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