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Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Have I said how much I love this time of year, you can make almost pumpkin anything, and I love pumpkin! So I decided to take a swing at my own pumpkin pie smoothie! So here you go, and it is yummy! Even Scarlett and Dustin liked it..

1 can of Libby's Pumpkin Puree
1 can Carnation Swetened Condensed Milk(chilled)
6 Oz of vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup of stevia(or sweetener of choice)
1/4 tspn nutmeg/ cinnamon/ pumpkin pie spice

Mix all together in blender and blender until smooth and creamy! Then enjoy!

8 Oz serving and makes 4 servings
99 calories/9 g of protein


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